New Moon Moon In Aquarius
New moons are a time for planting seeds. New moons in Aquarius encourage us to cut away things we are still attached to. Get in touch with reality so we can get things done. New moons bring in a fresh lunar cycle. The energy we have for the new moon is the energy we bring into the rest of the month. This is the time to set, make goals, make lists of things you want to accomplish for the month. However, this new moon will be having some serious converstations with other planets. Which could cause us to have not the regular energies of new moon. More on that a little later. This new moon will be in Aquarius and it will peak at 12 :47 PM eastern standard time on Febuary 1st. With the new moon in the sign of Aquarius this makes it the perfect time to recenter your mind. What do you want to build? What are the tools you need in order to make that happen? Since Aquarius is the sign of humanitarianism, you may be feeling drawn to complete a project that can benefit the world. Seeking out friendships that have fallen to the waste side could also be on your mind. But be aware you may be feeling a tad bit irritable or have impulsive reactions to things. This energy will be coming from the new moon squaring the planet of rebellion Uranus. You could also be heightened to your emotions and the emotions of others. If you channel this energy correctly, then you will be able to set new goals for yourself. If you channel this energy in least productive way, then it could lead to break downs and frustrations.
Now lets take a look at those serious aspects the new moon will be making. Think of an aspect as the converstation the planets are having with each other. A square could be seen as a difficult conversation or a converstation that may create or cause tension. Since the moon rules our emotional state and it will be squaring Uranus we could be seeing this represented as having emotional tension or imbalanced emotions. Which could cause some distruptions when trying to set ourselves up for the next month. We may see sudden developments or changes. The new moon will also conjunct Saturn. This could cause us to be thinking about our foundations. What are we setting up and is it in alignment with our future? Both Uranus and Saturn being Aquarius’ planetary rulers we could be seeing some long overdue beginnings. So get ready for the ride that this new moon in Aquarius will be providing for us!
Read your new moon in Aquarius horoscope according to your sun and rising sign below.
With the New Moon in the sign of Aquarius it makes it the perfect time to recenter your mind. What do you want to build? What are the tools you need in order to make that happen?
How Will This Full Moon Show Up In Your Life?
Read for your rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, then you can read for your sun or moon sign. But as always, the rising sign is more accurate.
Aries – 11th House
Superficial friendships aren’t working for you right now. Sort through which friendships are built to last and which are no longer for you. Set an intention for what you want in friendships so you can manifest them and make them happen. With the aspect that Uranus is making to this new moon, you could also be feeling like you need to have a conversation with specific friends about a situation that has rubbed you the wrong way, but are struggling to get the words out. Look out for feelings that you have been hiding away and bring them to the surface. You maybe feeling friction between your sense of security at your career and the foundation of your career path. Which has been a theme now for over a year. Try to be mindful of how you are approaching your communication around your job or career.
Mantra for this new moon: I am open to guidance from my superiors.
Taurus – 10th House
A career opportunity might present itself to you. You may not be ready to take the leap that is needed to make this happen. If you aren’t, use this new moon to weigh the pros and cons. You also have been going through some transformations lately, which will be seen through the way you carry yourself. You may also be feeling as if you are not done transforming yourself just yet. Grab a book on a new interesting topic and learn learn learn. Colllaborte with a friend and just get out there.
Mantra for this new moon: I am open to starting my own path.
Gemini – 9th House
Gemini, you may be feeling like you need to expand different parts of your life right now. You will be focused on all the things of life. Think about all the different places, people, and topics there are to explore. Dip your toes into all that you can. Take the experiences and opportunities that life has to offer. Aquarius’s open mindedness will allow you to feel confident in doing so. Uranus will be lighting up your 12th house of dreams and unconscious. So look for your dream for some guidenace on where to go and what to do next.
Mantra for this new moon: I am confident that this stage of life will lead me to my highest self.
Cancer – 8th House
This new moon will have you moving towards a less emotional way of thinking, which might be hard because you are all feelings all the time. Use this time to explore how you could be more rational and less emotional. Connect to others and try sharing intelligent conversations. This could even out the emotional side of things. If you need to part ways with someone or leave a community this may shock other but it is ultimately your decision. Just make sure you get the full scoop before taking the final leap.
Mantra for this new moon: I am fully accepting of myself even if some people aren’t.
Leo – 7th House
This Aquarius season it’s all about your relationships. This new moon will be lighting up your seventh house of relationships. If you are in a relationship then go ahead and spend some extra time with your special person. If you aren’t then you may meet someone. You may have some feelings come up around restriction and or limitations surrounding your partner or relationship. With the energy that Saturn and Uranus will be giving your 10th house of career, you could also be feeling a career change. You may feel overwhelmed or like if you are needing a way out. Just know there is a fresh start for you, but that also could come with some chaos.
Mantra for this new moon: My perspective can shift and change just like the seasons.
Virgo – 6th House
Your life may be getting busier. This new moon will be lighting up your daily routines. Invitations could be piling up and you could be feeling like you are being pulled in a million different ways. Take the time to prioritize your needs. Don’t get them confused with your wants. Listen to that voice in your head that is guiding you to the new path you truly want. Virgos are very intuitive signs, even tho you often don’t listen to the ringing in your ears. Take this moment to slow down and enjoy the world around you.
Mantra for this new moon: I allow myself to take the time to rest and listen to my intuition.
Libra – 5th House
The new moon in Aquarius will have you tapping into your inner child. Try something new or bring back an old hobby you used to participate in. Doing this could bring some healing into your space. How can you step into your fullest potential if you are still carry things around with you? You need to surrender in order to claim your freedom and life. WIth Saturn giving the energy of limitations and restrictions, you may be feeling sad or feeling not worth it. Take the minute to claim your place in this universe. It will give you everything you need.
Mantra for this full moon: I choose my life and what I want out of it.
Scorpio – 4th House
Your fourth house of home will be getting energy from this New Moon in Aquarius. You may be thinking a lot about what home means to you. You could be reflecting on your childhood and the situations in which you grew up. You could also be longing for some time at home if your family is not near. Remember our family doesn’t necessarily mean blood relatives. Use this time to connect with your family. Whether it’s your chosen family or family of origin. You have been working through the liberation of the patterns set forth by your lineage. Know that the ancestors are watching you and have seen it all. You also will be getting energy in your seventh house of commit time to and relationships. You will continue to see a shift in your ideas of commitment and stability. There are great things ahead for you Scorpio, just remember to put yourself first and stick to your guns.
Mantra for this new moon: I will honor my truth and use my ancestors as a guiding light not the ultimate decision maker.
Sagittarius – 3rd House
You may be feeling the urge to talk a little bit more than normal during this time. You can thank the New Moon in Aquarius shining into your third house of communication. What is a conversation that needs to take place but you are holding it back? How are you feeling about stating your opinion and choices? Think about these things during this new moon. You could be struggling with how to tell a group of people about a decision your recently made. Be confident in your choice and who you are a person.
Mantra for this full moon: I choose to raise my voice to get my point across even if I stubble with the wording.
Capricorn – 2nd House
You may take this time to think about your budget. Normally you are pretty grounded and steady with money. With this new moon in Aquarius in your second house of possessions and money, you could be evaluating how you send money. If you have a budget then look to see if it still works. If it doesn’t, then how can you switch it up? You also may be noticing that your sense of security is missing the normal structure and boundaries. What has changed and what is the still the same? Evaluate your projects and challenges you have had lately. Are you willing to part with them at this time?
Mantra for this full moon: I am committed to myself.
Aquarius – 1st House
It is your time to shine! Put yourself front and center. Start something new. Take on a new project. With the sun and the moon being in the same sign, you may be battling your ego with yourself. Take the time to explore who you are and what you want to put out into the world. Make peace with the past and let it go.You maybe feeling torn between sticking to who you want to be and how your family still sees you.
Mantra for this new moon: I am enough.
Pisces – 12th House
As an already spiritual sign, this new moon will only amp that up. Take the time to analyze your dreams. The square to Uranus may have you working through some emotional stuff. You may feel bottled up and be frustrated because you can’t express it. Take the time to move inward. Spend time alone. So you can be at your best spiritually and physically.
Mantra for this new moon: I allow my heart to feel and be open to new experience.